Counselling And Hypnotherapy

Friday 2 November 2012

Sleep Is Necessary to Life

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. According to a recent report, 70 million Americans are having trouble getting a good night's sleep. Research from Harvard Medical School's Division of Sleep Medicine has shown the critical importance of sleep in fortifying the body and keeping the mind clear. Modern science has also shown how necessary a good night of sleep is for maintaining healthy brain functions such as memory and learning skills.

Why So Many of Us Sleep Deprived

The reasons are not surprising. For many women, stress is the main reason for lack of sleep. When you're mentally stressed at night, the body increases its production of cortisol, the stress hormone that acts like a shot of adrenaline preventing restful sleep.

For others, it's the culture we live in with so many temptations to stay up late surfing the internet, texting friends, playing video games, checking emails, watching Netflix, etc.

Many Americans are also over-worked with longer hours and night shifts which leads to an over-indulgence in caffeine from coffee, soda, energy drinks and sugar.

The Important Benefits of Sleep

There are so many reasons to get enough sleep. Studies have linked sleep deprivation to a higher risk of stroke and insomniacs are more likely to suffer a heart attack than those individuals who sleep well at night.

Getting enough sleep at night will also make your mind sharper, your skin healthier and your body slimmer. You will even be nicer and may improve your marriage since lack of sleep can make us irritable and cranky.

Learn How to Sleep Again

Remember when you could fall asleep and stay asleep, waking up feeling rested and refreshed, ready to take on the day? When left untreated, trouble falling asleep can lead to chronic tension, anxiety and even weight gain.

If you are ready to check yourself into sleep rehab or need a sleep intervention, then consider the following sensible tips to help you reclaim your rest and get the type of deep sleep that will rejuvenate your mind and your body.

Tips to Sleeping Better at Night

- Turn off all electronics one hour before bedtime.

- Take time to unwind with a warm bath or good book.

- Set the thermostat to a cooler temperature at night to promote sleep.

- Ease up on the amount of caffeine you drink, especially after 3 PM.

- Maintain a consistent sleep-wake schedule including the weekends.

- Consider a sleep mask to block out all light that can disrupt your sleep.

There is no one single solution to improve sleep that works for everyone. Try doing a few things differently at night to find out what works for you. It will be worth the effort because sleep is a basic necessity just like eating and can have a significant impact on every aspect of your overall health and well being. Sweet dreams!

About The Author: Robyn M. Cooke is the editor of which has everything you will need to reach your weight loss goals, including great advice, great products and the inspiration to succeed! Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself! Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

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