Counselling And Hypnotherapy

Saturday 3 November 2012

How to Approach an Energy Clearing (or Energy Healing) Session

We all sat in that classroom as little kids.

We learned that "energy cannot be created or destroyed." We also learned that it can change its form of expression. This is a lesson we can call upon now and use it every day of our lives as we consider energy and healing. Of course, in that science classroom, they talked to us about light and heat, etc. We are going to apply this principle in a way that transforms pain into joy, misery into ecstasy, and anger into love.

Recycling Energy

If you've ever had a garden, you might have found that the energy of the previous year's waste could be turned into the next year's nourishment through a method of composting. And recycling in general has become a major part of our culture and a household word.

As you ponder these methods of taking things that are old and unwanted, and putting them through a process of transformation to bring forward something helpful, useful, and advantageous, you begin to see into the power of the energy clearing session. This is what those who are called "energy healers" facilitate.

The Value Hidden Within Pain

Every pain, misfortune, or mode of suffering, represents a field of conflicted energy. When that field is harmonized, when it is restored to its original state of clear energy, the power locked within the conflict is released and becomes available. That energy can then nourish the soul and move you forward toward the desires of your heart. You may experience this as a feeling of lightness, happiness, inspiration, or a burst of creativity. These are the markings of a spiritual healing.

The Past Lives Within the Now

Energy patterns can trace immeasurably back in time. You can see them running through distant events of your personal history, woven though your ancestral lines, and echoed in the remnants of past lives. Whether or not you believe that you have had past incarnations matters little because it is your current vibration that is being cleared. You may hear this described differently in the context of different energy healing techniques, and that is why it is helpful to understand that the past lives within the now. And this is where it must be harmonized in order to free your now and roll out the red carpet for your future (which also lives in your now).

Pains Gone, Relationships Restored, Happiness Flowing

Regardless of the reason you seek energy clearing, whether it is a body issue, a financial worry, a painful relationship, or anything else, it is best to come to the session with a willingness to let go of your problem and to allow it be transformed into something wonderful. With this spirit of openness, and an honoring of your essence, the energy clearing session can amaze you with the power of its results.

You can experience an energy clearing session first hand at no charge. Bring one issue to the call. It can be about your body, emotions, relationships, finances, or anything else that is causing you pain. Be prepared to let it go and have it transformed into something wonderful in your life. Get your Free Guest Pass to the next energy clearing session at Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

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