Counselling And Hypnotherapy

Thursday 1 November 2012

Why Dissolving Your Fears Are Crucial To Your Success

I was watching the Big Bang Theory the other day...

Normally I loved this show to bits... the characters are so funny, so human, and the situations (plus Sheldon... ) are just brilliant.

I had brought the 1st season DVD set, and was watching an episode where we were introduced to Sheldons twin sister. She was tall, dark, and pretty, and predictably the other characters fancied her...

Now normally this wouldn't bother me! After all, most comedys have a pretty girl, where guys swoops to get into her good graces.

And for a while at least, the swooping wasn't too bad.

But then it got sickening. As the story progressed, the sister got far too much attention needed, and the usual date-asking game went on for too long...

... to the degree where each guy character took turns to knock on poor Pennys door, and asking the sister out... and all the while, the sister (politely, of course) said, 'No'

When it cam to Rajs turn, the poor guy didn't even speak (the character in the 1st season had trouble speaking to girls) and made a small wimper that excruciatingly lasted for a good minute (although it felt like more), before walking down the stairs. The sister took it in good spirits (mentioning something about a dog) and finally said goodbye to Sheldon. Then the episode ended.

I hated it! I hated the constant swooning, and (regretably) could relate to what some of the guys went through. Pretty women had power... and they knew it!

I remember a few of my earlier experiences, that guys would sometimes drool over women that had the looks, and the very thought disgusted me.

So much so, that for the next 5 hours, I was practically in a bad mood, going through emotional turmoil, before a thought hit me...

Why am I doing this?

This happens a lot. The producers are only trying to produce a comedy after all... Some people will like that stuff, and some people will hate it!

Not everyones taste are the same!

Then I thought about a comment made by Steve Pavlina on his site, about that fact that if you have an emotional reaction towards something, in nearly all cases, it means that a part of you sees that situation inside yourself.

Fast forward to William Burlmans tip for out-of-body exploration. "Confronting and dissolving the energy manifestations of my own fears, limits and blocks are essential for my spiritual growth"

What had happened, was what started out to be a good day (I had previously felt good before watching the episode) had turned bad, all because my soul showed me some, 'past programming' and I hadn't recognised it as such!

Even in good times, you will always see a manifestation of fear of some sort, and its primary reason is for you to simply, 'dissolve it'.


Because you are not thought... although you may use thought to create (in fact you do... )

You are not emotion... although you may use emotion to create (in fact you do, as emotion is, 'Energy in 'motion')

You are soul... unconditional love, unlimited creativity and infinite!


Therefore, you must always seek to dissolve any fear you have. Attack your fears... be relentless (if needs be).

Best way of attacking them... project unconditional love towards them!

Oliver Dodd is an expert in meditating and achieving peace using Chi, Theta and Delta meditation. If you would like to learn to meditate within 60 seconds and not only achieve peace of mind and spirit but also to manifest your goals in life, click here to begin! Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

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