Counselling And Hypnotherapy

Saturday 10 November 2012

Why Love Could Be The Clue Behind Your Desires

I've been a law of attraction believer for many years. I remember hearing about, 'The Secret' for the first time in 2006. I had just received an inheritance, and was subscribed to all sorts of making money and improving your life-type magazines and newsletters. I remember one morning, receiving a newsletter that introduced, 'The Secret'.

Now, at the time, I brought, 'The Secret', loved its content, and began to try to implement its principles. The whole concept of the images in your mind manifesting, and that I, ultimately, had the power to act like the divine in creating whatever reality I chose, was an idea that wouldn't let go!

So I tried visualizing while, 'feeling' my goal to come true. I would visualize quickly about seeing someone that I had fancied at work, and lo and behold, I would get to speak to her in a few hours time. But something was missing. I didn't like my job and wanted to leave, yet I was still stuck in this whole reality that I desperately wanted to change.

Fast forward 7 years later, and things, physically at the very least, hadn't changed. What went wrong? Is the law of attraction a complete hoax, or is there something to it.

Well, it took several out of body experiences for me to realize where I was going wrong. I became curious about the art of astral projection back in 2008. I say art 'loosely', for in truth, everybody has them every night. It's an art to do it consciously, as the temptation is to become emotional about the experience.

But, lets backtrack here, what exactly is astral projection, and how does it differ to an out-of-body experience, and lucid dreaming?

Well, to be honest with you, out-of-body experiences and astral projecting is the same thing. The term astral projection is the more socially accepted idea, where as an out-of-body experience (obe) is more accurate. Both of them are essentially the same thing, which is the act, of the truer part of your conscious, or your sub-conscious, to leave you body and go, 'inward'.

Now, that sounds like a contradiction in terms. How can you leave the body, and go, 'inward'? Surely you go outward, right?


Everything you see about you is the outer epidermis of the multiverse (defined like that as there is more than one universe within itself, like peals of an onion) Therefore, if your body is the furthest point on the universe scale, when you leave your body, by very nature you are going within. Don't forget the Big Bang. It shrunk before exploding!

When you leave the body, you are very aware of your environment. This isn't a dream, this is definitely real. And you thoughts manifest. Almost instantly. You become aware that thoughts are manifesting through you rather than at you. Lucid dreaming is like an obe, but you are simply not fully aware of your situation. It's like a more clearer form of a dream. You're still dreaming, but the world is just a little bit more clearer. Manifestation is also a bit more hit and miss.

You see, it took a few experiences to realise that thoughts do manifest, the only difference being is that in the obe, you are travelling within the inner dimensions of the multiverse, and therefore time is no longer there. Therefore, everything manifests almost instantly! So you do have to watch what you think about!

The only reason thoughts take longer to manifest in the physical world, is because of the element of time. But this is where the, 'now' comes into its own. In truth, there is no such thing as time. Time exists only in our imagination. Take away time, and be in the present moment, as in truth, 'now' is all there is. Manifestation happens a lot quicker then!

So, fast forward to 2012, with all these experiences, and I began to see why my life was initially wrong. I began to practice being in the present moment and tried to turn this into a daily habit.

But something was missing! I was more at peace, and was slowly enjoying life more, but my desires were still not completely manifesting. I knew I was still missing something.

I came across a concept about acting from love. I knew from my spiritual teaching that all there was was love. Love was your soul, and was the language of the multiverse. When I had listened to interviews from successful people, they had always maintained that you needed to act with love or joy to become successful. As your soul is unconditional love, and when you meditate, you feel that (that is why meditation is so nice) and that feeling of love is also infinite intelligence (as infinite intelligence is all around... some scientists have already said that there is an intelligence behind what you are seeing with the naked eye) it made sense that if you act from love, you are in a sense, 'allowing' your desires to manifest.

Oliver Dodd is an expert in meditating and achieving peace using Chi, Theta and Delta meditation. If you would like to learn to meditate within 60 seconds and not only achieve peace of mind and spirit but also to manifest your goals in life, click here to begin! Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

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