Counselling And Hypnotherapy

Sunday 11 November 2012

Dream Predictions and The Unconscious Guidance in Dreams

You can understand your spiritual reality the same way you understand your material reality. You only have to learn how to translate the meaning of dreams according to the scientific method discovered by Carl Jung, and simplified by me.

The unconscious mind that produces your dreams gives you many explanations about the reasons why everything happens in your daily life. You can also predict the future, and change the future development of your reality.

The mindset of the materialistic and atheistic modern civilization is very far from the comprehension of the spiritual dimension of our reality. The unconscious mind shows you in your dreams how you can avoid repeating the common mistakes of the human race.

You'll learn how to identify the laws that belong to your spiritual reality and respect them, the same way you respect physical laws already recognized by our scientists.

This new vision of your reality will give you the chance to read people's minds and understand the reasons why various facts happen in your daily life. Since you'll understand what makes these facts happen, this means that you will also understand how to change the route of your life.

You have to learn how you can change your life. You must pay attention to the objective conditions of your reality. By having a superior vision, you'll understand all the possibilities and impossibilities of the way.

You will observe that everything is prepared to happen before actually happening. Nothing happens without being prepared to happen in a certain way because the facts of our daily lives have a purpose.

Our reality is organized based on the fight between good and evil. Our reality also depends on our psychological type and on the necessities of development of our psyche. Numerous factors predetermine how our future will be unfolded.

We live in order to eliminate our wild nature and learn how to be wise. Nothing happens by chance in our world.

We can predict the future the same way we predict the weather. However, dream predictions are not doubtable like the weather predictions based on human calculations. The predictions we have in dreams are based on God's calculations, since the unconscious mind that produces our dreams is God's mind. Therefore, these predictions are not suppositions. They will happen for sure.

When will you see something you had predicted in a dream actually happening?

Sometimes immediately, sometimes only after a long preparation. However, you will surely verify that everything you had predicted in a dream will really happen in your daily reality. The divine predictions are based on wisdom.

Now that we have undoubtable proof of God's existence we must understand that we have a spirit. All the religious lessons we had when we were children were true. Even thought the absurd modern civilization is materialistic and atheistic, the truth is that God exists and we had better pay attention to this fact instead of trying to ignore the truth.

This fact is not being accepted with joy by the world because nobody likes to be obedient.

Nobody wants to recognize God's existence. Nobody wants to obey God's guidance and learn how to be wise. Everybody wants to be free and do whatever they may desire.

However, there is no freedom on Earth, a planet especially created with the intention to transform our satanic anti-conscience into human content. Our anti-conscience is our wild conscience, which didn't evolve like our human conscience and generates mental illnesses within our conscience. We inherit this primitive conscience because we can think.

We also receive a tiny human conscience from God, so that we may transform our anti-conscience into human content.

We have to obey God's guidance because we don't know how to fight absurdity, and our anti-conscience destroys our conscience through craziness. If we don't obey God's guidance, we become slaves of our wild nature.

We must show gratitude because we can be guided by God in our dreams. This way we can understand how to successfully solve our problems without being based on our suppositions.

As an intelligent individual who follows the progress of the human knowledge, you have to conclude that the obedience to the guidance of the unconscious mind is a wise decision. The unconscious mind is the best doctor, teacher, and friend you could find.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness. Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!). Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

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