Counselling And Hypnotherapy

Thursday 22 November 2012

The Impossible

I'm sitting at my desk staring at my diploma that arrived today. I had just got out of the shower when my husband walked in and showed me the package. He opened it and we both sat there just looking at it. He laughed as he said "Master of Science. All I can picture is you in a white lab coat working with chemicals". I remember when I thought I would never even complete my Associates degree, no less a Masters degree. When I finally completed my Associates degree, I thought to myself "I could get my Bachelors degree. I don't want to waste my GI Bill". Through pregnancy and the birth of my son I completed my Bachelors degree. I will never forget sitting in the hospital doing college algebra online, after having my son who was very sick. You want to talk stressful- that was stressful, and I'm good with numbers. I would have paid someone to complete that class for me, but I pushed through and completed it.

My associates and bachelors degrees were both in business and I really wanted a degree in my first true love, fitness. I decided to go for my Masters so I could have a degree in the field I was working in. Not to mention, I love to learn. There is a never ending flow of information available to us, especially in my line of work. In July I completed my Masters program and I am so proud of myself for achieving my education goals while owning a business, being a military wife, and having a child.

There were so many weekends I stayed home while others went out, in order to complete homework assignments. I spent countless hours studying and trying to balance life in the process. The saying "do now what others won't, to live a lifetime as others can't" rings very true to me. I'm thankful for the sacrifices I made and I'm so thankful for the people who supported me a long the way, specifically my husband.

I am now starting my Doctorate program. This is something I never in a million years thought I could do, but I'm doing it. If you would have told me I would have a Doctorate degree 5 years ago, I probably would have gave up before I even started because the thought was to overwhelming and too far out of reach.

You have to take the first step in your journey no matter what it is. Set goals you feel are attainable and move in that direction. The more you accomplish, the more empowered you will feel. I feel that there is absolutely nothing I can't do now. If I want it, I know that I can make it happen. The same is true for you. Embrace your gifts and invest in yourself!

To you health,

Jessica Summerall: This is the motto I choose to practice to make sure that I am doing everything I possibly can to ensure someone is successful, long term. My job is to educate, support, train, teach, and encourage the people who come into my life. Their job is to use those tools to achieve the success they desire, whether it be financial or physical. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

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