Counselling And Hypnotherapy

Sunday 14 October 2012

Like No Time Has Passed

One of the major factors for health and longevity is social connection.

Because we are social animals, having connections with other people is crucial to our emotional well-being, but it also positively affects our physical health.

One of the best things you can do for your health is to build and maintain strong social networks.

Interestingly, the online social networking that has taken the world by storm the past few years doesn't have the same positive correlation to health as face-to-face connections.

This was brought into clear focus for me last week, when a friend from college and her family vacationed at a beach near my home. We made arrangements to spend the morning together, visiting and soaking up the sun's rays.

As my husband I drove to where she was staying, I thought about some of the experiences and escapades we have shared over the years, some as far back as 29 years ago!

And as we got closer to her place, I wondered what we'd talk about all morning. Waxing nostalgic is fun for awhile, but I hoped that we still had enough in common to fill a morning.

Our lives have taken different paths: she is a skilled and compassionate nurse with a beautiful 10-year-old boy, while my life took a less traditional trajectory, after living overseas, working in complementary therapy, and watching over our 11-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback, Kizzy.

Would our history be enough to sustain our friendship now?

I needn't have worried. When we started talking, it was as if no time had passed at all. She is still the person I rely on to tell it to me straight, whatever the situation, and I count on her common-sense, compassionate approach to life to help guide me when I get lost.

And I can count on her to eat chocolate with me, any time, day or night!

It occurred to me on the way home that this is the essence of social connection that is so important to our well-being. Human beings are not "wired" to be connected via a computer screen. We are at our best when we are face-to-face with others, holding space, and really being present for one another.

It doesn't matter how much time has gone by - it's staying connected in the present moment that makes us whole.

That's a great prescription for health and wellness. That, and the occasional chocolate bar with an old friend.

If you're interested in building some new social connections, think about joining us for the upcoming Reflections in Health Study Circle, The Foods We Eat, It begins in October, but you can register now.

Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online, counselling hypnotherapist and life coach in London.

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