Counselling And Hypnotherapy

Thursday 20 September 2012

Life of Possibility Vs Life of Limitation

It is Monday and I am sitting by the water, typing and listening to the waves rolling onto the rocky shore, while taking in the fresh air. I'm sitting on a book by Dr. Peter Levine - In An Unspoken Voice, so my butt doesn't get sore sitting on the rocks. My dog is sniffing in the trees, looking for something either to chase or eat, or um... both.

This is my Monday! My Mondays didn't always look like this, but they are more and more reflecting the nurture and luscious living I have craved for years.

I just finished reading a section from Peter's book that fits well with what I am experiencing...

"When [Einstein] was asked what he thought would be the next great breakthrough in science, Einstein pondered for a moment and then replied: "To prove that the universe is friendly." He did not mean, I believe, that there would not ever be pain and suffering in life, but that the universe was, well... Playful, wonderful and fascinating. " ~ Dr. Peter Levine, In An Unspoken Voice, 2010, pg. 280.

I shared with someone the other day that money is here to support and nourish us, like food and water it is our ally, not our enemy. He was uncomfortable with that point of view ~ because to him, money was to be controlled, managed and taken seriously. He had linked money to his survival, creating a very deep powerless feeling inside of him. Which he compensated for by controlling, and in doing so he was always at the mercy of money. It was either his savior or his jailer. He gave the illusion of money is power.

What area(s) of life are you giving your potency and your inborn intelligence away to? The same intelligence that goes into pumping your heart is what it going into creating your limitations. Would you be willing to re-integrate, re-own what is rightly yours ~ your aliveness?

I just pulled Peter's book from under my bum and saw another quote that is useful here:

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

When we take a breathe and engage ourselves at a sensation level, we create resilience and awareness and begin the re-integration process.

But the degree to which we cannot deeply feel our body's interior is the degree to which we crave external stimulation. Addictions to drama, food, spiritual override, suffering, excess video games, over-spending, over-working, chronic negativity, intellectualization, mental rumination, relationship and exercise addictions, fixating on our limitations, etc. keeps us over stimulated and thus separate from the sacredness of the body and higher mind. If we continue to suppress, control or numb our bodies, it is going to be very difficult to feel our aliveness and as such become difficult, if not impossible, to break free of our limitations and create a life that honours.

The less the body is experienced as a living entity, the more it becomes an object. The less it is owned, the further it is divorced from anything having to do with one's core sense of self." Dr. Peter Levine, In An Unspoken Voice, 2010, Pg. 285.

If you are overwhelmed by addressing your areas of limitation, lovingly start by cleaning up your addictions. Everything is birthed from this place. Do not think that by breaking free of your addictions and feeling into what-is, that that is all you are doing. You are beginning the process of reclaiming your life and asserting your value. It is an act of Self Love like no other. Welcome it and encourage it.

Jane Latimer, M.A. founder of the BodyWay Program have 35 years combined experience helping women with their issues with body and food. Click here to download the E-Book:

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